Real Life Community Church Sermons

Raising Godly Children in a Godless Culture

May 12, 2024 Real Life Community Church
Raising Godly Children in a Godless Culture
Real Life Community Church Sermons
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Real Life Community Church Sermons
Raising Godly Children in a Godless Culture
May 12, 2024
Real Life Community Church

As we gather around to celebrate the essence of motherhood this Mother's Day, we reflect on the role of parents in fostering a legacy of faith. Today's cultural landscape, brimming with secularization, social media overreach, and wavering freedoms, sets the stage for a poignant discussion on the importance of nurturing God-fearing children. Inspired by 2 Timothy's message, we recount how the unwavering faith of Timothy's mother and grandmother lit the path for his spiritual journey, emphasizing the crucial responsibility we hold in guarding the 'good deposit' within our young ones.

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As we gather around to celebrate the essence of motherhood this Mother's Day, we reflect on the role of parents in fostering a legacy of faith. Today's cultural landscape, brimming with secularization, social media overreach, and wavering freedoms, sets the stage for a poignant discussion on the importance of nurturing God-fearing children. Inspired by 2 Timothy's message, we recount how the unwavering faith of Timothy's mother and grandmother lit the path for his spiritual journey, emphasizing the crucial responsibility we hold in guarding the 'good deposit' within our young ones.

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Speaker 1:

The following resource is brought to you by Real Life Community Church in Richmond, Kentucky. We hope you're both challenged and encouraged by this message from Pastor Chris May.

Speaker 2:

If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of 2 Timothy. I want to say Happy Mother's Day to all of you mamas out there, and my mom is with my grandmother in church today, but I know she'll listen later. So, mom, happy Mother's Day. And I'll say happy Mother's Day to my daughter-in-law, who is a weekend to motherhood and I know they're listening today as well and then also to my beautiful wife, who has done a fantastic job in raising our children in the admonition of the Lord. Are you thankful, anybody, for godly mothers? Amen, amen. So, in all transparency, today I had a sermon done yesterday from the book of 1 Samuel. I was going to talk about Hannah and talk about the significance of a praying mother, but actually I finished it on Friday and yesterday the Lord was just dealing with me. I had been chewing on a scripture all week from the book of 2 Timothy and, to be frank, I was tired and it just didn't seem to be coming together. And I woke up this morning and I just felt the Holy Spirit say preach 2 Timothy First Samuel would have been good. The Lord's word is always awesome, but this is a word for us today that I just feel really compelled to preach by the Holy Spirit. So if you have your Bible, go with me to the book of 2 Timothy and I know you just sat down, but in honor of the reading of God's word, would you stand with me please? Are you glad to be in church this morning? Somebody smile at me. All right, 2nd Timothy.

Speaker 2:

Let's begin in verse 1. Chapter 1. Thank you. 2nd Timothy, 1 1. Stephen. If you heard the Holy Spirit, you would know that as well. I'll try. We know Stephen is a man full of the spirit, I kid.

Speaker 2:

2nd Timothy, chapter 1.

Speaker 2:

Beginning in verse 1. If you have it, say amen. The word of the Lord says this Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, according to the promise of the life that is in Christ Jesus, to Timothy, my beloved child, grace, mercy and peace from God, the Father. In Christ Jesus, our Lord, paul writes I thank God, whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience. As I remember you constantly in my prayers, night and day, as I remember your tears, I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy, and I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother, lois, and your mother, eunice, and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well. For this reason, I remind you to fan and deflame the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and of love and of self-control. Therefore, do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me, his prisoner, but share in suffering For the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works, but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus Before the ages began and which now has been manifested Through the appearing of our Savior, christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel, for which I was appointed a preacher and an apostle and a teacher, which is why I suffer as I do, but I'm not ashamed, for I know in whom I believed and I am convinced that he is able to guard until the day what has been entrusted to me. Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me. In the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus, by the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. Guard the good deposit entrusted to you. It's the word of God for the people of God, and you may be seated.

Speaker 2:

You know this is a precarious time to raise children. It can be overwhelming to think about raising children in this day and age, especially considering the secularization of our culture, the moral decay of our culture, the moral decay of our country. Freedoms that we've enjoyed so long seem to be shockingly at stake. Wars, rumors of wars we hear that we might be on the brink of World War III Negative influences on social media Our land is littered with haters of God Ungodly indoctrination within our public schools. You can't even send your kids to school with a clear conscience. These days. Our country and world is filled with hate-infested, angry, miserable people, and so, because of all these issues and more, the thought of raising a child in this age can be overwhelming. My granddaughter was just born and I thought. As I waited in the lobby of the hospital and as I held her little body for the first time, I thought oh God, protect her in this wicked age. A recent Barna study revealed that seven in 10 Christian parents fear that, in this day and age, their children will leave the faith. Well, the good news is this, and this is the encouragement that comes from our text we aren't the first generation to struggle with this, to deal with these anxieties.

Speaker 2:

In our text, as a matter of fact, paul is writing to his young apprentice by the name of Timothy, who is an evangelist and called to pastor and to teach, and, like us, timothy lived in a time of godlessness. Like this is nothing new. Many people in his society, from the top down, are antagonistic towards christianity, just like today and actually way worse, and so the main point of this letter is for timothy to hold on to the faith that god has entrusted to him and to stay faithful to his calling. Paul mentions the gift that was given to him by the laying on of hands and we believe that he is referring there to his ordination, when the elders laid hands on him, sending him off into his call. And Timothy is saying stir up that gift. And then he talks about God not giving us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-control, and he goes on throughout the letter talking about the suffering that Timothy will have to endure Because he is going out to preach a gospel that is hated by the ancient world. And so Paul is writing, saying listen, timothy, you live in a culture that is not welcoming to the message you carry. You're living in a culture that is full of haters of God. But he says, timothy, persevere, be faithful, and you can do it, because the power of the Holy Spirit is upon you. In the midst of all the cultural challenges, timothy, this young man, has come to know the Lord and he has received the call of ministry. And so his story today.

Speaker 2:

The point that's on my heart is that this offers us great encouragement, and here it is. I want every one of you to listen. It is possible to raise God-fearing children in a godless culture. It is possible to raise God-fearing children in a godless culture. Greater is he that's in us than he that is in the world. So how do we do it? How do we raise God-fearing children? How do we do it? How do we raise god-fearing children? How do we produce god-fearing children within our godless culture?

Speaker 2:

I want to point your attention to verse five of our text, and paul writes I am reminded, timothy, of your sincere faith now watch this A faith that dwelt first in your grandmother, lois, and your mother, eunice, and now, I'm sure, dwells in you as well. Timothy comes from a heritage of faith. From a heritage of faith. It's likely that Paul's grandmother and mother came to Christ during one of Paul's earlier missionary journeys and in hearing and responding to the gospel, these women, by the grace of God, acquired a strong, unwavering faith in a godless culture, and so this faith has now been passed down from generation to generation, and Paul does not mention these words about the faith of these ladies by accident. Every word of your scripture is God-breathed and it's important. Your scripture is God breathed and it's important. Their faith, I want you to know. The faith of mother, the faith of grandmother, was instrumental For Timothy's faith and his pastoral call.

Speaker 2:

I'm so grateful that I can stand before you today and and say that I have a godly mother and I have a godly grandmother. I can testify that the cultivation of my own faith and my calling is due in large part to those two ladies. As a matter of fact, when I was born, I had strep B and was very, very ill, and my health was extremely uncertain. But my family prayed, they believed in prayer and God turned my life around physically, but it went beyond that. My grandmother has told me many times that she did not just pray for god to save me physically but to use me mightily, and I just believe that god took this rebellious teenager. I would not have been voted in my youth years as the most likely to pastor a church. I promise you that. Why are you laughing? You should be shocked. But I'll tell you this. I know this in my heart. I'm here behind this pulpit today and saved by the grace of God, in large part because of that prayer and the continuous prayers for years and years and years of my life. Oh how I'm thankful for a godly heritage.

Speaker 2:

Proverbs 22.6 Train up a child in the way he should go. Even when he is old he won't depart from it. Now we should celebrate this morning godly mothers, and we should revel in the truth of this text the glory of a mother and grandmother's faith that cultivated faith in Timothy. And it's really interesting here that Paul does not mention Timothy's father nor his grandfather. Do you notice that? And so you may read this and think well, you know what? It's a father's job to put bread on the table, but it's the mama's job to do the spiritual stuff. And sadly, that's what our culture thinks, many of them, many people in this culture. That is a gross misreading of this text. Paul doesn't mention Timothy's father for one reason Because Timothy's father was not a believer. And you say, how do you know that? Well, let me read it to you. Acts 16, chapter 1. Paul came also to Derbe and to Lystra, and a disciple was there named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer. And to Lystra, and a disciple was there named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer, but his father was a Greek and, by implication, not a believer.

Speaker 2:

The responsibility of Christian child rearing is on both the mother and the father. As a matter of fact, let me just read you Ephesians 6, verse 4. Listen to this. Paul says fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the admonition or in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Who does Paul address there? Fathers. And so Paul commends Timothy's grandmother and his mother because they helped cultivate his faith. But fathers are not off the hook, because the same Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus Fathers, you raise your children in the Lord, you teach them. The Bible calls husbands to lead their households, but he calls them to lead their household with their wives. Very important.

Speaker 2:

Parents, here's what I want you to know. You have way more influence over your children than any other person or entity. That's why you can raid a godly son or daughter in a godless culture. There are how many days in a year? 365. 180, let me say this part of 180 of those days are spent in school each year. How many hours are in a year? 8,060 hours. Is that right? Like I just did that in my head just now. Does that sound right? Listen to this 8,060 hours, just over a thousand of those hours are spent in school in the in the in the first five years of your child's life. Normally it's you and your spouse. Those formative years are vitally important. Listen to to these statistics. 85% of people who become Christians come to the faith between the ages of 4 and 14. That's overwhelming. Only 15% of people come to faith after the age of 14. Parents, you have such an influence on your children. No pressure. If you raise your children in a godly home, it is overwhelmingly likely that they will come to know the Lord.

Speaker 2:

So what does it mean? I think this is important to ask what's it mean to raise your children in a godly home? Let me point you to verse 5 of our text. We'll look at this verse again. I am reminded of your. What faith, sincere faith, a faith, so a sincere faith that dwelt first in your grandmother, lois, and then in your mother, eunice, and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.

Speaker 2:

So it's not just important to raise your kids in church, though that's vitally important. It is important that your kids see that you have a sincere faith. And if you look at that word in the Greek, it means a faith without hypocrisy. To be sure, it doesn't mean that you never make mistakes, but, hear me, when you do make mistakes, you sit your children down and you say, hey, I'm sorry, I want to serve God and I really messed up and I prayed and I've asked God to forgive me. We need a faith that is without hypocrisy, which means that as parents, we have to do more than declare our faith Beloved. We must demonstrate our faith.

Speaker 2:

Many people children in the Bible Belt. They grow up in quote-unquote Christian homes, but what that means to them, to many of them, is that they just have parents that say, yeah, I believe in Jesus, but they live like the devil. Just have parents that say, yeah, I believe in Jesus, but they live like the devil. Most of those children have never seen authentic faith lived out, and I want you to know hypocritical faith is extremely dangerous and it will not lead your kids to saving faith. So what are the elements of sincere faith? Let me just give you a few here.

Speaker 2:

Number one sincere faith demonstrates a love for God. Look at verse 3. Paul says I thank God, whom I serve, as did my ancestors. The Christian life is not just about keeping some rules Whom I serve as did my ancestors. This is the Christian life is not just about keeping some rules. That's called moralism, and moralism won't save you. That's what the Pharisees thought. Moralism will not save you.

Speaker 2:

God cares about the heart. The heart of the issue Is always the issue of the heart. With God Do actions matter? Absolutely, but those actions must overflow from a heart that loves God completely and wholly. We've got to have a sincere faith, which means a faith that is birthed out of a love for God.

Speaker 2:

And how do we demonstrate? Again, we don't just declare love for God, we demonstrate it. How do we demonstrate a love for God? Well, and I'll talk more about this in a moment but we read the scriptures and savor the scriptures, we devote ourselves to prayer, we make church a priority, not sports or any other thing we give to kingdom purposes. We talk about the Lord, we live for the Lord and we live in such a way that shows that Christ is our greatest treasure. If you were to ask a child what do you think is most important To your mom and dad? If a child was asked of you, what is most important To your mom and dad, how many of them would say the Lord, jesus Christ. Sincere faith loves God above all things. Secondly, sincere faith demonstrates a genuine love, not just for God but for people. So this adage of I love God but hate people, that is totally unbiblical. It's impossible. A love for God loves people. A love for God is a love that loves and adores people who are created in his image.

Speaker 2:

In verse 2, paul calls Timothy his beloved child. Do you get how much Paul loves Timothy? He longs for him. Paul here, by the way, is on death row. He is waiting to be executed, and he writes this last endearing letter to Timothy, this young man, and Paul says I love you, you are a spiritual son to me. And then I want you to look at verse 4. Paul says to Timothy as I remember your tears, I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy. And what's he talking about here? Timothy, I remember you cried. He's not talking about a time when Timothy fell off his bike or, you know, got his feelings hurt.

Speaker 2:

Nope, in Acts 20, it's clear when Paul is parting way with the Ephesian elders, he's getting ready to go off to a missionary journey, likely will be his last, and they know that it's a dangerous journey. And it says let me just read it to you as a matter of fact. This is Acts 20, 36 through 38. So Paul, speaking to the, he's kind of exhorted the pastors and he's parting ways with them. And it says, when he had said these things, he knelt down and he prayed with them and there was much weeping on the part of all. They all embraced Paul and they kissed him, being sorrowful Most of all because the word that he had spoken, that they would not see his face again, and they accompanied him to the ship. This is a bunch of men, these are elders, these are pastors, and Paul is getting on a ship and these men are weeping and kissing him. Now I go on a sabbatical, a 40 day reprieve At the end of May. And, elders, I expect you to act this way. Just leave out the kisses, alright? Oh man, I'm going to be sick that Sunday. I think here's what I want you to see.

Speaker 2:

Timothy has a love for his pastoral leader. He has a love for the church. As a matter of fact, he's being sent out to plant churches and to grow churches and to bring people in, at the risk of his own life. That's the whole point of the letter. Timothy, this might kill you, but persevere to the end. God's not giving you a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind or self-control. If you want your kids to persevere in faith, I'll just tell you you must teach them to love the church and you pave the way for that love. By the way, you love or don't love the church. Let me ask you, is church a drudgery for you? It'll then be likely a drudgery for them. Is it a last priority for you? It'll likely be a last priority for them. Let me ask you this do you speak negatively about church leaders? Well, they'll grow up bucking pastoral leadership, thinking they don't even need a church.

Speaker 2:

I always say I can tell the people who talk good about me at home because their kiddos love me, because their kiddos love me, and those that run. I need to have a conversation with you. I love the story of the family. They were riding home from church and the wife leans over to her husband and she says Honey, what did you think of the church service today? And the husband says well, to be honest, I didn't like the genre of music they sang and the service went too long. And he looks at you know it's, it went past my lunch time. I'm going to cut into my Sunday nap. And that preacher, oh, he's monotone. I just don't like his sermons. Well, he had his young son in the back seat and thinking about what his dad gave in the offering plate. He chimed in. He said, dad, I thought it was a pretty good show for a dollar. I'll give you a minute. I'll give you a minute.

Speaker 2:

Friends, your children ought to see you love the church, enjoy the church, and not just the building but the body of Christ. Oh how important that is. Sincere faith loves God and loves people, and it also savors the scriptures. Remember that Ephesians 6 admonishes fathers to bring up children in the instruction of the Lord. How do we do it? Well, paul tells us in the book of 2 Timothy 3, verses 14 and 15. He says but it, as for you, timothy, continue in what you have learned and firmly believe, knowing from who you learned it and how. Watch this. From childhood, you have been acquainted with the sacred writings which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Do you get this? Paul says listen, it's not just I who have taught you the scriptures, timothy. You've known these from childhood Friends. I'm not here to beat you up. I want to encourage you on Mother's Day, so I'm not worried about the past. But if you've not done this, I encourage you to do it right now, and I failed in this for a large part of my kids' upbringing.

Speaker 2:

Have devotions with your children, pray with them, teach them the Scriptures. If you don't savor the Scriptures, they won't savor the scriptures. And don't just teach them what to believe. Teach them why to believe it. You come to us and we'll help you know not just what you believe, but why to believe it. Because I promise you, if you don't, they're going to get to college or even high school now and they're going to have some professor or teacher or other student who has the agenda of talking them out of their faith.

Speaker 2:

But I love what small little says To be a Christian, you don't have to lose your mind. There are not. Just you know, this is not blind faith. There are logical reasons to believe in God. As a matter of fact, I would argue it takes way more faith to be an atheist than a Christian. David Pawson, a late pastor on the other side of the pond, he said this. He said the first thing I do when I meet an atheist is congratulate them for their faith. So you need to teach your children the scriptures and why to believe, why it's logical to believe. And then, sincere faith not only includes teaching the scriptures, but it includes regular, fervent prayer.

Speaker 2:

2 Timothy 1.3,. I thank God, whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience. Paul writes, as I remember you, constantly in prayers, day and night. Why would Paul remember Timothy in his prayers day and night? I'll tell you because Paul loves Timothy. Well, if Timothy, or if Paul loves Timothy that much as to pray for him, how much more should a mother and father pray for their children? Listen to me. One of the most powerful things we can do for our children is pray with them and to pray for them. That takes the pressure off you. You realize, when you pray for them.

Speaker 2:

Uh, because first, john 5 says this, and this is the confidence that we have towards god that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And we know that if he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we hear the request that we have asked him, we will that we hear the request that we have asked him. We will have. Excuse me, the request that we have asked him. So you pray according to God's will. Signs still delivered. It's yours. So what is the will of God? Well, one aspect of the will of God, according to 2 Peter 3.9. Is that none would perish but that all would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. So when you lift up your son or daughter continuously before the Lord, you know it is God's will that he or she be saved and you can pray with great confidence.

Speaker 2:

I just read the story of a man by the name of John, and John was raised in a Christian home, had a godly mother, but John went off to live a very ungodly life and became a very wicked man. As a matter of fact, he became captain of a slave ship, became a horrible man, did horrendous things, and his mom heard these things about him. But she didn't give up. She felt helpless because she was miles, hundreds and hundreds of miles from him. But here's what she knew. She knew she could pray and so she would pray. She lived very impoverished and she would be at the washboard and she would be scrubbing and she would pray for him. Oh God, save John, I know you can do it. And she didn't just pray God save him, she said God save him. She said God save him and use him mightily.

Speaker 2:

And so many miles away from his mother, john cried out to the Lord Jesus Christ, by the way, his name was John Newton, newton, who became part in a massive part in ending slavery and, by the way, wrote what song Amazing Grace, beloved, there is power in prayer. Pray, pray. I'll say it again Greater is he that's in us than he that's in the world. So it's not that you have to do all this and depend solely on yourself. No, you pray and let the spirit do the work, amen.

Speaker 2:

And so when we think about raising our children, teaching them the scriptures and teaching them to pray, how important those things are. Can I just say this to you you know that church is important, but don't pick a church based on programs. Pick a church that teaches the word and is committed to prayer. I don't know how many people I've had walk out of here, a church that's committed to prayer and there are many other churches, by the way, that are committed to the word and prayer here in this town. But I can't tell you how many people have walked out of here who were happy here and who love the word. But they go. Oh, pastor, this other church, they have more for my children. What do you mean more? Well, it's bigger and they got more programs and they got more money and this is really cool and they're going to love it. Listen, the excitement won't cause them to persevere. It's the word and the spirit and prayer that's going to cause them to persevere. It's the word and the spirit and prayer that's going to cause them to persevere.

Speaker 2:

One more point I'll make how do we live out this sincere faith? Well, we've got to live a congruent lifestyle. In 2 Timothy 2.22, paul says Two. Paul says flee Timothy from youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. It's not enough to merely serve God on Sundays. It's not going to change your kid's life. What do you do Monday through Saturday? And I know there are many godly men and women in here, mothers and fathers, and you live this out. I want you to know how difficult that is. I know it, but I want you to know that it's making a difference. You may not see it yet, but it's making a difference.

Speaker 2:

This adage of do as I say but not as I do, it's baloney. You ought to be able to say to your children what Paul says in the scripture follow me as I follow Christ. And I'm grateful that my mother though not perfect, I could say she followed Christ and I followed her. And even in my most rebellious years, yeah, I was convicted of the Holy Spirit. But in the back of my mind was my five foot mama and I was scared. This picture of her.

Speaker 2:

But really I thought about this was not the way I was raised. The few weeks, even in that Period of my life, that I missed church, I knew Sitting what Sunday is for To go out and watch a sporting event, or to play golf, or to sit and veg on the couch. That's not what Sunday is for To go out and watch a sporting event or to play golf or to sit and veg on the couch. That's not what it's for. Even when I was living rebelliously, I had so been taught to love God and love the church and love the scriptures and love prayer that when I was living my own way, I just knew this wasn't really what I wanted. I knew that the things of this world would not satisfy my soul and I knew that my mama was praying for me and I could run, but I couldn't hide.

Speaker 2:

I'll close by saying this Nina, you can come to the keys. It is God who saves, not parents. So I'll point you one last time to 1 Timothy, 1. Verse 8. Now we know that the law is good. I'm sorry, let me go back. I printed the wrong verse here. 2 Timothy Look at verse 8. Therefore, do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord. Look at verse 8.

Speaker 2:

Purposes and grace which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior, christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. Did you catch that? So he commends Paul in the beginning, lois, eunice and even his own godly ancestors, even back from Abraham Isaac and Jacob, and even his own godly ancestors, even back from Abraham Isaac and Jacob. But then he says wait, it's not them who saved us, but it's by the power of God who saved us. It's God who saved us and called us, not because of our works, but because of his own purposes and grace, grace which he gave us in Christ Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Mothers and fathers, I want you to hear me. It is not your job to save your children. It is God's job. Your job is to teach them the scriptures, to present them with the gospel, to pray with them. And God does the saving. We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone.

Speaker 2:

In 1 Corinthians, 3, 6 through 8, paul says this. I'll just read actually the first part of this. He said I planted, apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. Parents, you know what you do when you raise your children and you pray with them and you teach them the scriptures and you savor Christ and treasure Christ above all things. You plant a seed. I can't tell you how many people in this you know, over the 25 years of ministry, that I've led to the Lord. But it's not me who saved them, it's God who saved them, and normally it's not even me who planted the seed, it's godly mothers and fathers. All I did was water it through the teaching of the word and by the power of the spirit. God used the planting of the seed, the watering by the word, and then he gave the increase.

Speaker 2:

Raising God, fearing children In a godless culture. Culture is easy for parents. All they have to do is lead the way. Let's pray, father. We do in fact live in dangerous, spiritually dangerous, physically dangerous times and our hearts, because of this, could melt with fear. But, lord, we're reminded again that your Spirit is more powerful than any person or force on this planet. On this planet, lord, you have called us to raise children in godly homes, even in the midst of a crooked world, and you've given us great encouragement that we can raise godly children in a godless culture and so encourage parents today, as they may be overwhelmed with anxiety as they watch the news and hear about what's being taught in school and the agenda of many of the political leaders, the godlessness that's becoming so pervasive in our own country, of many of the political leaders, the godlessness that's becoming so pervasive in our own country. Relieve that anxiety. Let them take all their cares upon you, cast them upon you, be anxious for nothing, but realize that it is your will that none perish. May they commit their sons and daughters to you.

Speaker 2:

For those who do not have children today, lord, I pray that you would encourage them because they have a part through the church of also pouring in and discipling young people. I thank you for every children's leader, for every youth leader who, week after week, are teaching your children, discipling young people. I thank you for every children's leader, for every youth leader who, week after week, are teaching your children, ultimately, the word of God. We just pray Over every son and daughter right now that they would not perish but have eternal life. We believe you hear that prayer. Let us demonstrate well every person in this church. Let us demonstrate well what it is to walk in sincere faith. Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord. Thank you In Jesus' name, amen.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening. If you'd like to know more about how you can have a relationship with Jesus Christ, or if you have questions about our church, you can email us at info at myrealchurchorg. Real Life Community Church is located at 335 Glendon Avenue in Richmond, Kentucky. We invite you to join us for worship Sunday at 10.45 am or Wednesday at 7 pm. Visit us online at myrealchurchorg.

Raising God-Fearing Children in Culture
The Influence of Generational Faith
Teaching Children Sincere Faith and Prayer
Raising Godly Children in Today's Culture